Reviews For Soul Meets Body
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Reviewer: No_promises Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/13/2016 - 10:51 am Title: Chapter 15

It has been a couple years since I looked at this fix, and decided to read it through again.  I had forgotten how much I loved this story.

It really is sad that it was never finished.

Reviewer: ScarlettDuck Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 12/14/2013 - 04:33 pm Title: Chapter 15

That's it? Where's the rest of this story? The A/N promises more! Ugh, bitterly disappointed.... it's so very lovely... but unfinished. More, someday?

Reviewer: ScarlettDuck Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 12/14/2013 - 12:35 pm Title: Part Five

Oh, god, this is achingly beautiful and so well written. I am enjoying this very much!

Reviewer: reinventself Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/05/2012 - 04:13 pm Title: Chapter 15

loving your stories. have no idea how long ago you wrote this but i am a newer fan and wanted you to know how much i enjoy your writing!

Reviewer: evelynferguson Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/23/2011 - 08:48 am Title: Chapter 15

Nooooo! I thought this was a completed fic! You brought me up short, you. Anyway, if only this was how the season was really written. Great interior monologue, great writing. Well done.

Reviewer: AMI Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/19/2010 - 03:32 pm Title: Chapter 15

OMG this was perfect..Buffy standing up for Spike to Giles.*happy sigh* And Buffy having Spike move into her room. But my fave was the fixing of the Spike/Dawn friendship...loved that she went shopping for him. :)
Boy..theres lots to fixin S7 ;)

Great chappie...Ill wait patiently for updates. I luv it.

Reviewer: wlr Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/17/2010 - 08:58 pm Title: Chapter 15

So glad to see this story being updated again. I have always enjoyed your stories, and this is one of my favorites.

Reviewer: no_promises Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/15/2010 - 04:46 pm Title: Chapter 15

A sweet and beautiful story. The way I wish the show had gone.
The advantage of waiting this long for an update is that I had a reason (as if I needed one) to reread the story. This story is just as good the second time around.

Reviewer: SeaPea Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/14/2010 - 09:50 pm Title: Chapter 15

Lovely chapter. Glad to see you're keeping up with this.

Reviewer: cordykitten Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/14/2010 - 06:02 pm Title: Chapter 15

So good to see an update :)
(I'm late reading LJ again.) At last Buffy tried to convince Giles. Not sure how good that worked. Awe, sweet gift of Dawn getting the clothing and the black leather wristband for Spike. :)

Reviewer: amayuscula Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/14/2010 - 05:18 pm Title: Chapter 15

I am liking this story very much, so please try to update as soon as you can.

Reviewer: All4Spike Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/14/2010 - 02:48 pm Title: Chapter 15

Wheeee an update at last! So glad Giles is willing to give Buffy the benefit of the doubt regarding her feelings for Spike despite his reservations - which he should have on the show. So sweet of Dawn to have got him clothes...

Reviewer: no_promises Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/06/2010 - 11:00 pm Title: Chapter 14

now THIS is the way season 7 should have been
loving the story
can't wait for more

Reviewer: no_promises Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/28/2010 - 10:46 am Title: Chapter 14

loving the story.
more please

Reviewer: cordykitten Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/14/2010 - 01:33 pm Title: Chapter 14

Uh-huh... the being of the chapter was fun; what Xander did? Not.
I can understand why Buffy wants them out of the house. That won't make Xander change I fear. We'll see.
Looking forward to more!

Reviewer: Brittany Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/12/2010 - 11:27 pm Title: Chapter 14

I just started reading this fic today and didn't really realize that I had gotten through 14 chapters until I went to hit 'next'. This was such an amazing read that I just stared at where the 'next' should be for a second as if I could will it to appear! lol can't wait for the next chapter!

Reviewer: shelly Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/12/2010 - 10:01 pm Title: Chapter 14


Reviewer: Blue Eyes Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/12/2010 - 07:25 pm Title: Chapter 14

I know I just left a review but I had to read this chapter again and again I just have to say YES. Why didn't this happen on the show; they needed the slap to wake up to see what they were doing. I can't wait for the next chapter. Please help them see and keep Buffy strong.

Reviewer: Blue Eyes Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/12/2010 - 07:18 pm Title: Chapter 14

I am so liking this side of Buffy it was something that me and I know many, many others would have liked to have seen her realizing who was the one in charge and stop letting everybody dictate to her and questioning herself and stand up for herself and her feelings.

Reviewer: AMI Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/12/2010 - 04:24 pm Title: Chapter 14

OMG...Excellent chappie! You are writing my dream S7 here. I loved that Buffy threw them all out. Why the hell did they all have to be at Buffy's anyway? And then to throw her out of her own home. That epi really pissed me off.:(

Xander is acting like his usual jealous,vampcist self. And Giles is no better...always jumping to the wrong conclusions about Spike.I wonder what would have happened if Wood managed to kill Spike...who the heck would have closed the Hellmouth?

Loved this soooo much!

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/12/2010 - 03:15 pm Title: Chapter 14

Such a great chapter, loved it!

Reviewer: All4Spike Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/12/2010 - 03:12 pm Title: Chapter 14

Love the sparring - and of course Xander reacted totally in character! Oh well done Buffy - chuck them all out and reclaim your own home. I so wish she'd done that on the show! There was absolutely no reason for them all to impose upon her that way!

Reviewer: quirks Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/11/2010 - 03:54 am Title: Chapter 13

this is a wonderfully nuanced look at both their characters and the relationship they could have had. you've made me tear up!

Reviewer: nea Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/10/2010 - 11:26 am Title: Chapter 13

This was lovely. Thanks for the update.

Reviewer: AMI Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/09/2010 - 11:40 pm Title: Chapter 13

I'm so glad this story is back. Great chappie, I love the Spuffy talk. Spike is so unsure, and buffy has to be more clear with him, I think. Still...they're talking and trying to work things out. She wants him to stay and help, but wants him to leave so he doesn't get hurt.

Can't wait for more, and the confrontation with the rest of the gang when they return.

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