Date: 08/09/2009 - 02:41 am Title: 1/1
that was most definitely interesting. i have to say that i actually enjoy Spilliam stories. their really creative and intriguing, like this. i thought it was good. if u wanna read some Spilliam i recommend Paganbaby's the sitter. That's a great Spilliam/Buffy story. this was great too :) good job :)
Author's Response: oh wow. i totally didn't get an e-mail about this. SORRY!
i have read mostly all of PaganBaby's stories and they are awesome! i'm glad you liked my story! as i said, this was the first time i'd wrote a story like this so i was extremely nervous! seriously! EXTREMELY! so thanks for giving it a try and thanks so much for reading!!
Monica aka Spikeluv84

Date: 05/22/2009 - 07:27 pm Title: 1/1
Good Lord, is absolutely one of my favorite fics, especially favorite smut fics!!! Gotta love those lovin' brothers/Twin"lets", etc...And wouldn't we all LOVE to??? Instead we have this lovely fic to warm us to the cockles of our little hearts! Thanks, you!
Author's Response: LOL ::hides head:: blame Sotia! it's her story and she got me to post it! i was totally embarrassed but i do love some twinlets too! and this was the first one i ever wrote so i'm glad people like it! some are wanting me to write a sequel to it but i'm holding off and resting my brain on that one! LOL and i was sooo surprised that it got nommed!! only like 2 weeks after i posted it too! i don't know if the awards have went out or not but i'm still lovin' it. LOL yeah, it'll warm ya alright. *snark* ttus!!

Date: 04/14/2009 - 03:40 pm Title: 1/1
wait, i'm confused.....is spike sleeping with joyce too, cause thats just too much kick for me....
Author's Response: LOL omg no! i could never write a Joyce-sex scene! that's like writing about my mom or something. no, no one is sleeping with Joyce. she just let him in the house. i do hope you enjoyed the fic though!

Date: 03/31/2009 - 06:23 am Title: 1/1
Holy Moley! That was seriously hot! :P
I can see why you were nervous about "going there" lol But you handled it beeeeutifully! So well done! I loved the twist at the end too! :D
More stories like this, please. heeeheee
Author's Response: haha, i told u!! well i feel nice. i made PB, the princess of dirty smut, say holy moley!! LOL well, i've been getting good reviews for this story so yay! yeah, i thought about the twist at the end. i thought it'd be a little funny. i'm working on more stories like this but whew! really need to think about it! thanks so much for reading and commenting!!

Date: 03/30/2009 - 03:35 pm Title: 1/1
Wow, that was hot!
Author's Response: thank you so much!! you aren't so bad urself! lol *hugs*

Date: 03/28/2009 - 12:33 pm Title: 1/1
Wow...that was the thing I needed today...good old Spuffilliam....or Spillfy...:D
I love it...I hope you can write some more.
Author's Response: yay! i got Mel's seal of approval! i'm so glad! lol i wouldn't know what to call them either so i just do the "plus 1" thing. lol. i'm thinking about writing some more soon!

Date: 03/28/2009 - 07:22 am Title: 1/1
Hot :) And a naughty a verrrry nice birthday present *gg*
PS There is a Spilliam Comm at LJ here if you're interested to post it there.
I hope you'll continue it :)
Author's Response: i'm glad u liked it! is today ur birthday too??
as for that LJ community, i'm a member of it! i've tried to post it there several times already but the Cut doesn't want to work right. it'll put the first sentence under the cut but the rest of the story will show. i think it might be too long! *cries* if i keep getting reviews like this, i most likely will continue it!! thanx!

Date: 03/28/2009 - 01:14 am Title: 1/1
I LOVE this! A sequel, perchance? Please? :)
Author's Response: hi! there is a sequel possibly! i haven't decided yet! i'm glad u liked it!

Date: 03/27/2009 - 09:47 pm Title: 1/1
*is dead* too fraking hawt. seriously. guh. *pants*
p.s: you could totally continue this fic and I wouldn't hate it... I mean seriously... please. lol
Author's Response: LOL thanks so much! i about mushed my brain writing this one so give me a little bit, k? i'll think about it! thanks for the great review!

Date: 03/27/2009 - 07:29 pm Title: 1/1
Whoa! That was *HOT*!!! Very, VERY H-O-T!!! I'm one big sucker (no pun intended) for a Spilliam+Buffy fic! Gotta luv 'em! This was great! But--- you *can't* stop here! More! I need more! You've teased us now by mentioning their honeymoon (apparently +1) at their estate, sooooo.... how about it? How about telling us about their "honeymoon" fun?
I gotta tell ya, I had to re-read this a coupla times... then I had to read it w/my friend Buzz... it went over very well, I must say..! Very entertaining and leaves you wanting more...what more can ya want outta a fic? I'll be squirreling this one away in my smut-file...So glad you went ahead and posted this one and can't wait to see more from ya. ~~Kara
Author's Response: *blushes* thank you! i've always loved reading Spilliam too but never had the nerve to write one. u can owe all gratitude to Sotia. as for a sequel....*pales*....i don't know how i'd do that. writing this one was almost sensory overload in itself! and omg! u're having little fic parties around it?? i'm glad no one can see my face!! but now i just thought of something really dirty and....is Buzz the kind of friend i think it is?? cuz....yeah....i'm so glad u liked it and are saving it. this is probably the kinkest i've ever been on paper...not in my head though! woo! i blame Sandara mostly. LOL but i'm glad u liked it!! thanks so much for the longest review i've ever had!!

Date: 03/27/2009 - 12:14 pm Title: 1/1
Yup, Sotia loved it and she loves you for writing it for her! She's apparently also speaking like Napoleon, lol! This was HOT, gurlie. Awesome first try on slash, and I'm glad you listened and decided to post!
*squishes* ♥
Author's Response: LOL well i promised u a story for getting engaged. *CRAP* now i have to come up with something for the wedding!!! *everytime i hear or say crap, i think of Anya for some reason, LOL* lol and boo on short ass Napoleon. Danny Strong's taller than him! lol writing this was more difficult that i thought. always had to make sure i had the "he" correct and u understood who was who. i'm glad u liked it!!!
now if Andrei finds it, i know nothing.

Date: 03/27/2009 - 11:59 am Title: 1/1
Wo that was goooood!! Extremely grateful to Sotia for making you post this!! Would love to read some more about these three.
Author's Response: lol well i almost went brain dead half-way through. it took me 2 hours to write! i might try my hand at it again but i was extremely nervous posting it!! LOL i'm so glad u liked it!

Date: 03/27/2009 - 11:04 am Title: 1/1
WOW that was brilliant... brain is now fried!
Thank you for posting!
Author's Response: LOL thank you for commenting!! my brain about went to mush when i was writing it. i'm glad u liked it and i'll talk to u on IM!!

Date: 03/27/2009 - 10:53 am Title: 1/1
niiiiiiiice!!! great job!
Author's Response: thank you!! glad u liked it!! sent u an e-mail!