Date: 10/21/2013 - 08:36 pm Title: Chapter 8
I love this. I've read it before, possibly on another site, but never reviewed it here. It's fantastic. Nice to see Spike getting what he deserves. Happy that Xander and Willow are on their side.
Author's Response: Thank you! I’m so glad you liked it. I thought both Xander and Willow would value Spike now that he made that sacrifice in the hellmouth.
Date: 02/22/2010 - 08:16 am Title: Chapter 8
extremely enjoyable fic, i luved it.
Author's Response: Thank you! I had fun working out my issues with canon's Season 8! :D
Date: 01/02/2010 - 02:06 am Title: Chapter 8
aww! lovely ending. and i did enjoy the kennedy arm break a little too much. :P
Author's Response: I'm so glad you liked it! Thank you! I couldn't resist that arm break - Kennedy ticked me off. :D
Date: 12/12/2009 - 12:48 pm Title: Chapter 8
Great story. Loved the whole evolution of them - I really enjoyed the fact that both Willow and Xander were good guys and not jerks in this one. Thanks for all you put in to this.
Author's Response: I'm so glad you liked it! Thank you! I thought that both Willow and Xander would grow after their experiences in Season 7, but that Giles would continue on the same path down which he started when he conspired with Wood to kill Spike.
Date: 12/01/2009 - 09:27 pm Title: Chapter 8
Amazing as always. Great characterizations, excellent pacing. Wanted to see how it all turned out yet didn't want it to end. Very well-written.
The story itself is gorgeous. I was tearing up when Spike renounced his claim. Really liked the growth of Xander, and most of the events seemed like a natural progression of S7.
On a personal note, I am so happy that you pointed out the controlling aspects of Giles' and Angel's personalities! Good for Buffy for waking up to the realization that being treated like a child is NOT love!
Once again, great story. Think I'll re-read it now!
Author's Response: Oh, thank you for thinking it's good enough to re-read! The story came out of wondering where the characters would all go after S7 and not liking what I was hearing about the comics. I never could understand Buffy always accepting Giles and Angel controlling her in canon and thought she would rebel if pushed too far. I'm so glad you liked it! Thank you!
Date: 11/26/2009 - 01:53 am Title: Chapter 8
awww... i LOVED it!
Author's Response: Thank you! I'm so glad you liked it!
Date: 11/22/2009 - 12:48 am Title: Chapter 8
Ooooooh, love it, Love It, LOVE IT!!! Great fic! Want MORE!!!
(ps---love the description as "sunfire flames"!)
Author's Response: Thank you for enjoying it! And fire from the sun was what was called down through the amulet, sooo...:D
Date: 11/20/2009 - 10:04 pm Title: Chapter 8
Fantastic ending to a fantastic story! Loved the Angel and Kennedy Smackdown.I hated Kennedy in s7. Of course she'd be the one to turn the SIT's against Spike.
How many ways does Buffy have to tell Angel she loves Spike? He's so dense.
I'm glad to see that the Council and the Slayers are thinking of other ways to do things. And that they agreed to be independent. I wish this was should be writing that dreamweaver, maybe then it wouldn't be so OOC and bad.
Loved that Spike renounced his shows he loves her.And then they did the full claim. Yay! Claimy goodness! So nice to see Spike got his memories back..too bad he was feeling so guilty and unworhty of Buffy because of that damn bathroom episode. Good for Buffy setting him straight on that :)
Loved it, can't wait for your next! I'll be patiently waiting.
Author's Response: Angel just doesn't want t know. I hated what I hear is going on in the comics, which is why I wrote this story - to point out the errors. They really are OOC!
I'm working on my next one right now, a time travel story. But it might be a while before it's up, because it looks like it's going to be a long one.
Date: 11/20/2009 - 08:19 pm Title: Chapter 8
Fantastic! You never fail to deliver the goods. Wonderful story and please continue to write your amazing fics!
Author's Response: I'm working on the next one right now. :) I'm so glad you enjoyed this! Thank you!
Date: 11/20/2009 - 07:34 pm Title: Chapter 8
Kennedy.... so she was behind that. *reads on* But because Giles ordered it. Still if Kennedy had wanted it she could have refused it. *nods* Power hungry indeed.
Giles should have known better. Better to listen to Angel too. Good question - what's the difference that makes Angel good and Spike bad? Having a soul, the ability to love? Don't know where Giles sees it, the difference. Buffy made her point clear. And Spike too, releasing her out of the claim.
What Buffy suggested that they do sounds better and a totalitarian regime. Too much power for Giles who meant too well. Could be the same with other slayers. *points to Kennedy*
Didn't expect the Wiccas to be behind the others attacks. In a way it was Giles' fault, he caused them to react (even if they overreacted).
But it ended well :D
I'm glad about that even it's sad that it is already the end. Enjoyed the read :)
Author's Response: Kennedy could have refused, but she didn't want the Slayers dispersed and lose her position as primary squad leader.
Giles kept up his hostility to Spike in S7, even after Spike got his soul, but didn't seem to have any problem with Angel. Why is Spike a disgusting thing who should be dusted, but Angel is not?
I'm so glad you enjoyed it! Thank you so much!
Date: 11/20/2009 - 07:07 pm Title: Chapter 8
Ah! Fabulous!
Author's Response: Thank you so much! I'm so glad you enjoyed it!
Date: 11/20/2009 - 06:39 pm Title: Chapter 8
Wonderful! Loved the big fight scene with Buffy tossing baby slayers around the room. I had wondered if Xander would side with Giles. Glad he didn't. Nothing out of character for any of them. The only thing wrong with this fic is that it's too short! It's not supposed to be finished yet! I want more!
Author's Response: Oh, I'm so glad you enjoyed it! Thank you! I really have to try writing a longer fic. Keeping it short gives it punch. But I've got an idea for a time travel fic that might go long if I can keep the intensity up.
Date: 11/19/2009 - 10:50 pm Title: Chapter 7
I've read all of your fics (I hope!) and have loved them all. This one is no exception. But what an evil cliff hanger--I'm so glad that you update daily because I can't wait to see what happens!
Author's Response: Never can resist cliffies! :D I'm so glad you like my work! Thank you!
Date: 11/19/2009 - 09:03 pm Title: Chapter 7
What?! You're leaving it like that? Bad! Lol.
Author's Response: Mean, aren't I? :D
Date: 11/19/2009 - 07:46 pm Title: Chapter 7
OMG this chappie was perfection. I loved all of it. Buffy not wanting to claim Spike back until he has his memories brought tears to my eyes. Oh if only this was happening in canon.*sigh* The party was fun and the biting was soooo sexy. Buffy lost all track of time. lol
In my previous review I didn't mean rauchy sex talk.. just more sexy talk from Spike during sex cause you know how Spike loves to talk. And I don't think he'd be too quiet while making love. :)
Oh god what a cliffie! You are EVIL!!!!
I'm thinking Angel has something to do with it! Big Poof! And probably Giles, they're working 2gether I think. :(
Loved it so much!!
Author's Response: Sexy talk I can do. It was the raunchy that would have given me problems. :)
And I never can resist a cliffie! Sorry! I'm so glad you like it! Thank you!
Date: 11/19/2009 - 05:43 pm Title: Chapter 7
you're EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Author's Response: Oh, yeah. :D I never can resist cliffies!
Date: 11/19/2009 - 05:29 pm Title: Chapter 7
Thanks for the earlier update - makes it possible for me to read. Thought about Spike's insights.... he's an outsider here, not having the memory. Just a like (sorry for a better example) a beta sees the errors a writer makes because the beta didn't write it), Spike sees more clear because he looks at the slayers' situation from the outside. / *end ramble*
I didn't think Giles would give in to Spike's idea of 'spreading' the slayers through the world. But the Chiriwan are really trouble. Wonder who's behind that.
Sounds like a good decision not to claim Spike back because of the reason Buffy mentioned. One more reason for Spike to love Buffy because she gives him a chance.
Tease ;)
From the spuffyness to the alert that they kill Spike. So who told them (the SiT?) to? Giles? Is Kennedy behind?
Author's Response: Got home earlier. :) Giles wouldn't want to give up control. Buffy trying hard to do the right thing this time. And I never can resist a cliffhanger. :D Thank you for enjoying it!
Date: 11/19/2009 - 05:22 pm Title: Chapter 7
I really don't like Kennedy. Wonder what she's going to do when Willow inevitably breaks up with her? Buffy's doing the right thing by not tying Spike to her until he has his memories back... although I really don't think he'd have objected. OK... evil cliffhanger woman... who's killing Spike?
Author's Response: He wouldn't have objected. :) But she's really trying to do the right thing this time. I never can resist cliffies!
Date: 11/19/2009 - 12:19 am Title: Chapter 6
This was a great chappie. Loved the Spike/Dawn convo.Something that should have happened on the show. And I like Buffy saying both she and Spike had done wrong. Exactly. Totally agree. All the points Spike made are spot on. ITA. Why were all these girls made Slayers? I HATED that, it made no sense. and now they're all herded together with no family or boyfriends, controlled by one man. What kind of love lives are they supposed to have? OMG that is so wrong!
All those demons popping in has me worried. Who's responsible?
Yay! for the hot Spuffyness, love the way you write the Spuffy lovin. Hope Spike remembers soon.:) The only thing I think could be better is if Spike were a little more vocal during sex...I think Spike is the talk dirty kind ,it adds alot to the Spuffy sex. Just my opinion.:)
Loved this so much, you're one of my fave authors!
Author's Response: That got me too, when I heard of the comics. None of it really made sense, right down to their being activated. That's why I questioned it here.
Talking dirty? Cute idea. But I'm not sure. He'd do it if if was just sex. But when he's in love, especially when he's got the soul, he gets too intense for that. In my next story however, he doesn't have a soul and he isn't in love with Buffy. I might try it and see how it works. I'm so glad you're enjoying it! Thank you!
Date: 11/19/2009 - 12:12 am Title: Chapter 1
im kinda in love with you. really.
Author's Response: Thank you! :D I'm so glad you're liking it!
Date: 11/18/2009 - 08:30 pm Title: Chapter 6
Sounds like another apolcolypse.. and please no sacrificial Spike again..
enjoying.. and Buffy did come up with a good way to take his mind off the negative..
Author's Response: No sacrificial Spike. But there will be other problems. :D I'm so glad you're enjoying it!
Date: 11/18/2009 - 08:23 pm Title: Chapter 6
Well, I think you broke me! There were words about how insightful Spike is, and about the S/D reunion, and then Spike and Buffy met in the hallway, and they all flew away.
That was...and with the...!
I can haz more tomorrow? Pls??
Author's Response: Whoa! Thank you so much! I'm so glad you liked it! More coming. :D
Date: 11/18/2009 - 07:13 pm Title: Chapter 6
Wow, you update fast. Not complaining because I love it when my favorite stories have a fast update. But after reading the first two chapters. I came back and saw that you have posted 4 new chapters since. I have yet to read them but I will a little later tonight when I have more time. Just wanted to say that I love you quick updates especially since you are one of my must read writers right now. Like I said I can tell we think so much alike just by reading your stories. Bye.
Author's Response: I hate to leave readers hanging, so I don't start to post until the whole story is done and all I have to do is clean up each chapter. That way I can post a chapter a day until it's over. I'm so glad you agree with the way I think! Some people get mad. I'm so glad you like it! Thank you!
Date: 11/18/2009 - 05:59 pm Title: Chapter 6
Spike raises excellent points... why train an army if you're not expecting a war? So someone's sending (or summoning) the Chiriwan... wonder who?... and why? Now then... will the lovemaking and a draught of Slayer blood bring Spike's memory back?
Author's Response: I have issues with the comics. Does it show? :D I wanted to raise questions. I'm so glad you're enjoying it!
Date: 11/18/2009 - 05:31 pm Title: Chapter 6
Wow, you're early today! So I have a chance to catch the new chapter. Even if that means no chapter tomorrow if posted at the normal time. ;)
A lot of slayers got activated where before was only one (well planned to be only one). That must create a lot of unbalance. I wonder sometimes it that wouldn't cause something.
Buffy was strong because she had friends and family; the slayers have only the other slayers.
Spike had some good ideas what the slayers could do; they even could be paid for patrolling (bodyguards). Better than robbing a bank.
And a lot of people and a busy Buffy when Spike wanted some alone time. *g*
A leaders work never ends, huh?
Chiriwan mmmh I wonder if someone sent them.
It sounds now that Spike's memory is coming back, slowly.
Again, not easy for Buffy to give Spike freedom and more, saying she loves him.
And making new memories. Good thought :) And hot.
~ Looking forward to more.
Author's Response: Got home early from work. :) Yes, the baby Slayers only have each other and that's not right. So I thought they should have the opportunity to make their own lives and loves. I'm so glad you're liking it! Thank you!