Date: 07/24/2005 - 07:12 am Title: Chapter 9: Just a Favor
Sorry - I didn't see the update before now! If you thinking of the chapters - remember only that Pari wants them over 1000 words per chapter.
Date: 07/15/2005 - 02:01 pm Title: Chapter 9: Just a Favor
can't wait for more!! this story is awesome!! love how you play with the characters!! please please update soon!! thanx!!
Date: 07/13/2005 - 07:17 am Title: Chapter 9: Just a Favor
Thanks for the update. I prefer frequent updates even if they are only a few paragraphs. I am guessing that Spike's father will be in a coma for awhile and that is why Angel and Jenny are able to do these dastardly things to Spike. I want Spike to find out about Drusilla's treachery, but I don't want him to take it out on Buffy. I like how you have written Buffy so far, I believe that she will develop confidence the more she has to deal with Spike.
Date: 07/13/2005 - 02:02 am Title: Chapter 9: Just a Favor
Well, I'm all out of chapters! Good story, update soon!
Date: 07/13/2005 - 01:41 am Title: Chapter 9: Just a Favor
Really enjoying this story. Buffy is just so sweet and innocent. I know I'll enjoy watching her come out of her shell.
Date: 07/13/2005 - 12:56 am Title: Chapter 9: Just a Favor
another incredible update but i wonder how she is gonna be able to get his guitar at dru's house since she doesnt want her anywhere near her anymore.....and i would say that i dont mind having shorter chapters since the delays would be shorter but i also love the chapters but its totally up to you
Date: 07/13/2005 - 12:10 am Title: Chapter 9: Just a Favor
longer it!!! more soon
Date: 07/12/2005 - 11:12 pm Title: Chapter 9: Just a Favor
loved it soooo much. hopefully spike finds out what a major hobag dru is being. keep up the great work. this is a different kind of story. i like it a lot. i'd rather have longer chapters with longer delays. this story is sooo worth the wait. post soon.