Rated: 18
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: None
Series: To Wed
Chapters: 12 Completed: Yes
Word count: 43211 Read: 22494
Published: 11/10/2006 Updated: 03/22/2007
1. Chapter 1 - Giles by Joyful Dayz [Reviews - 6] (2597 words)
Single quotes are thoughts.
Thank you LadyForAsh for Betaing.
Disclaimer: I own nothing, am not associated with anyone. I simply delight in Spike and Buffy’s joy, and how they finally get together after her waywardness. No copyright infringement is intended.
2. Chapter 2 - Dawn by Joyful Dayz [Reviews - 8] (3220 words)
Thank you so much to LadyForAsh and Kayt Arminta for betaing.
Single quotes are thoughts.
3. Chapter 3 - The Scoobies by Joyful Dayz [Reviews - 4] (3351 words)
Thank you so much to LadyForAsh for betaing.
Thoughts are in 'single quotes'
4. Chapter 4 - The Potentials, et al by Joyful Dayz [Reviews - 4] (3792 words)
Many thanks to LadyForAsh for the great beta job
Thoughts are in ‘single quotes’
Disclaimer: I own nothing, am not associated with anyone. I simply delight in Spike and Buffy’s joy, and how they finally get together after her waywardness. No copyright infringement is intended.
5. Chapter 5 - Nice Kitty by Joyful Dayz [Reviews - 3] (3611 words)
A/N: Many thanks to LadyForAsh, for betaing
Thoughts are in ‘single quotes’
schmoop warning
6. Chapter 6 - Angel by Joyful Dayz [Reviews - 5] (3690 words)
Many thanks to my beta, LadyForAsh.
Thoughts are in 'single quotes'.
A/N: Chapter 6 deals with my Season 7 Bangel issues. I’ve used a few of my favorite sentences from “End of Days” in this chap. No copyright infringement is intended.
7. Chapter 7 - Mini Mutiny by Joyful Dayz [Reviews - 2] (4019 words)
A/N: Thank you so much, LadyForAsh, for betaing.
‘Single quotes’ are thoughts.
One of the things that really bothered me about Season 7 was how everyone except Spike betrayed Buffy. Forgive Faith for turning to the dark side and trying to kill Buffy? Kick Buffy out and follow Faith? Seeing their non-forgiveness of Spike, I doubt it, especially not Dawn. I toyed with the idea of having everyone (minus Dawn) betray Buffy over her relationship with Spike, but I’m happier if they don’t, so in my world it doesn’t happen. The potentials didn’t know either her or Faith very well, so it would have been in character for them. This was as far as I was willing to go in that direction.
8. Chapter 8 - Spike's Girls Past and Present by Joyful Dayz [Reviews - 2] (4257 words)
Thanks to LadyForAsh for her hard work as my beta.
Spoilers for “End of Days”.
‘Single quotes’ = thoughts
9. Chapter 9 - With This Ring by Joyful Dayz [Reviews - 2] (3825 words)
A/N: Thank you so much, LadyForAsh, for betaing!
Thoughts are in ‘single quotes’
I’ve paraphrased a few sentences of the dialog from “Touched” and “Chosen” in this chapter. No copyright infringement is intended.
10. Chapter 10 - The Turok-Han by Joyful Dayz [Reviews - 4] (3914 words)
Thank you LadyForAsh for betaing.
Violence warning this chapter. I own nothing, am affiliated with no one, I simply like to play with Buffy and Spike.
11. Chapter 11 - Closing the Hellmouth by Joyful Dayz [Reviews - 4] (4264 words)
Thank you LadyForAsh for your beautiful beta job!
Sorry for the delay in posting this chapter. My internet’s been down this past week.
Thoughts are in ‘single quotes’
12. Chapter 12 - Tomorrow is a New Day by Joyful Dayz [Reviews - 7] (2671 words)
Thank you so much, LadyForAsh for betaing.
Many thanks to everyone who has read and reviewed my stories. You have no idea how much I appreciate you!
Thoughts are in ‘single quotes’.
This chapter's and the story's titles were inspired by "Gone With the Wind". Being a lover of the happy ending, I didn't care much for the story line, but I do like how even in the face of her own foolishness, and the consequences of that idiocy, Scarlett O'Hara didn't give up, but declared, "Tomorrow is another day." "Tomorrow is a New Day" could have been Spike's motto. His persistence paid off for him in the end. (Especially in fandom, where he gets the girl!)