Chapter 5:A Knife in the Dark

Disclaimer: I don’t own Buffy or LOTR, how many times do I have to say it?


“The power of Isengard is at your command, Sauron, Lord of the Earth” Ethan called into his palantir. After a moment, the Eye appeared in the seeing stone and addressed the White Wizard.

“Build me an army worthy of Mordor.” Came Sauron’s voice from the palantir.

“As you command, my lord.” Ethan said, as the vision of the Eye vanished. Ethan turned as he heard some of his Orcs come into the room.

“What orders from Mordor, my lord?” an Orc asked. “What does the Eye command?”

“We have a lot of work to do. Call everyone to the gardens, and bring ropes and axes.” Ethan commanded. Once the Orcs were assembled outside, Ethan addressed them. “The Lord of Mordor has commanded that we build him an army worthy of serving him. We must begin fortifying Isengard, and we begin with getting rid of all this loathsome greenery. Rip down every tree and begin chopping them into firewood.”

“Yes master!” the Orcs chorused. For the next few hours, the Orcs pulled, chopped, and burned down every tree in Isengard and began digging the caverns where they’d begin preparing Ethan’s army. And high up, on the pinnacle of Orthanc Tower, Giles watched as his once most trusted friend, began building a war machine to serve the Dark Lord.

“I can’t believe this! How could Ethan do this?!” Giles fumed, as he sat heavily on the roof. “I have to warn Lorne, I have to get to Buffy! And then I have to give Ethan a good being killed.”

***A few miles from Weathertop***

“This is unbearable!” Andrew whined. “This Strider guy is the most barbaric person I’ve ever met!”

“Will you quit it, Andrew? God! Can’t you just get past the second breakfast crap?!” Buffy asked exasperated.

“It’s not just the second breakfast, or the elevenses, or luncheon, afternoon tea, dinner or supper; it’s the principle of the matter!”

“Why didn’t we leave him in the room when the Tazkul, or whatever they are, chopped the beds up? Here,” Dawn said as she picked an apple and threw it to Andrew. “Eat that and shut up!”

“Come on, Hobbits!” Strider called back. “We’re here!”

“We’re where?” Buffy asked, looking around not seeing where they were.

“Weathertop.” Strider said, indicating to the ruins on the hill ahead. “The great watchtower, Amon Sul, stood here before the Nazgul burned it down and took the palantir kept there.”

“Took the what?” Dawn asked Strider.

“The palantir, a seeing stone that could show you anything in the world.” He explained. “Come on, we’ll rest here tonight.” They climbed onto a ledge and set up camp. Once they were set up, Strider pulled out four short swords and handed them to the hobbits. “These are for you, keep them close. I’m going to look around, stay here.”

“Bossy ponce ain’t he?” Spike sneered as the ranger left. For a few hours it was quiet, the hobbits were even able to dose off for a while; but they hadn’t counted on the stupidity of Andrew. Buffy, Dawn and Spike woke up to the sight of Andrew making a huge fire, and burning some of their blankets in the process.

“What are you doing?!” Buffy hissed at the infuriating hobbit.

“I thought it would be nice if I cooked some bacon for you guys when you woke up, but I think I put to much fuel on it before I started it.” Andrew said embarrassed.

“You idiot! Did you forget that there are nine baddies in black cloaks that are looking for us?” Dawn raged “And that a fire in the middle of nowhere might attract attention?!” As Dawn finished the ear splitting shriek of the Nazgul rang out. The hobbits looked over the ledge and saw five large shapes heading towards the hill. “I’m thinking we run now?”

“Sounds like a plan!” Buffy said as they ran up towards the ruins on the top of the hill. They drew their swords and huddled in the ruins of the watchtower, looking around for the Black Riders. Buffy turned and saw them, five tall dark figures with long swords drawn, advancing on the hobbits. They closed in, looking ready and willing to tear them apart.

“You sods want a fight, you came to the right place.” Spike said brandishing his sword. He swung his sword at the wraiths, he put up a decent fight but in the end he was thrown aside. Dawn and Andrew were swatted away before they could lift a finger. They continued towards Buffy, she knew why they singled her out. She ran behind the ruins of the structure, closely followed by two of the Nazgul. As they turned the corner, Buffy jumped from her hiding place and sent a slab of stone falling on top of them. The others ran after her, she crawled between one’s legs and stabbed upwards, bringing on another awful scream. Buffy ran back to her friends to see if they were hurt, but when she turned around she saw all five coming at her like nothing phased them.

Buffy backed away from the wraiths, sword still at the ready. She was surrounded, but they can’t catch what they can’t see! She pulled out the Ring, getting the attention of the tallest Nazgul. He held out his sword and pulled out a dagger as he descended on the hobbit. She put the Ring on her finger and disappeared, but the Nazgul were still there. But instead of five figures in black cloaks, she saw five ghostly beings clad in pale ripped garments; these were the men they were before they became wraiths. The tallest one moved forward, lowering his blades and smiling warmly.

“Hello Buffy.” The wraith said in an almost friendly tone. “I am the Witchking of Angmar, but you can call me Marcus Hamilton, and I believe you have something that belongs to an associate of mine.”

“From what I’ve heard, he’s not so much as an associate as you’re master.” Buffy said disbelievingly.

“Well let’s not argue semantics. The point is, you have something you don’t really want and my associates and I do want, I’m saying that if you want to just forget all this mess and just go home, all you have to do is just put that Ring in my hand and you’ll never hear from us again.”

“What, I give you the Ring, you guys go away and never bother us again?” Buffy asked.

“You have my word.” The wraith smiled and nodded

“Bite me!” Buffy said, spitting in his face. The big bullshit smile still on his face, the wraith plunged the short blade into her shoulder causing her to scream in pain.

“Well, can’t say I didn’t try. I’ll be taking that Ring now thank you.” The evil figure said reaching for her hand. But as he reached for her, something flew out of nowhere and began fighting of the Nazgul with a sword and a torch. Buffy ripped the Ring off and screamed again as the pain from her stab wound flared again.

“Buffy!” Spike screamed as he rushed to her side, cradling her in his arms as she lost consciousness. Strider fended off the wraiths and went to tend to Buffy. “Help her!”

“She’s been stabbed by a Morgul blade, it’s coated with a dark mystical poison.” Strider said picking the writhing hobbit girl up. “She needs Elvish medicine. We have to hurry.”

“We’re six days from Caritas! She’ll never make it!” Andrew cried in despair, but he was cut short by Spike grabbing his shirt and shaking him.

“DON’T YOU DARE SAY THAT! SHE’LL BE FINE NOW MOVE!!!” Spike yelled desperation evident in his voice. Buffy clung to Strider as he held her, his strong arms comforting her in her agony.


Ethan the White regarded his operation with pride; his Orcs were turning out armor and weapons by the hundreds, the trees of the surrounding area were now burning in his furnaces, and his breeding pits were yielding the horrible Orc-Man hybrids called the Uruk Hai. Soon he’d be ready to wage war and acquire the power Sauron promised him.

Giles sat on the summit of Ethan Rayne’s tower, surveying the now barren Isengard. His thoughts turned to Buffy, and the burden he’d forced onto her shoulders.

*What have I done? Buffy is just a Hobbit! A remarkably brave Hobbit, but even so how could he ask her to get involved in this? Thank heavens Spike is with her, he’d throw himself off a cliff before he’d let anything happen to her. I’ve got to get out of here and help her, but how?*

Giles was shaken from his thoughts by a moth fluttering around his face. His salvation! Giles caught the moth in his hands, and whispered to it before letting it fly away. But just as he felt like this situation wasn’t so hopeless, he turned and saw Ethan standing before him, a mocking smile on his face.

“Hello again, Ripper. Time for some more convincing.” The White Wizard said as he cast a few painful spells on his former colleague. Giles screamed in pain as the torturous magic coursed through him, hoping to God that moth got the message.

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