Reviews For Scars
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Reviewer: Aurora Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/15/2005 - 04:27 am Title: Choices

OMG!!! I just found this fic and I couldn't stop reading. The way you convey Buffy's emotions of feeling undesirable and inadequate is impecable. I got depressed just reading how she felt. And Spike's ruthless attitude and just sheer meaness is so different from other fics. He hasn't been whipped yet by his love for Buffy so he's a complete Grade A asshole. I just love it! Please update soon. I can't wait to see what's to come.

Reviewer: Cordykitten Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/14/2005 - 09:03 pm Title: Choices

Untamed Spike.. very much the killer. But know Buffy tries to kill him. Wonder how that will work. She's attracted to him. Now we have to wait how convincing Spike can be ;-)

Reviewer: Bridget Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/14/2005 - 04:14 pm Title: Choices

Good chapter.

Reviewer: Kathy Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/14/2005 - 04:10 pm Title: Choices

What an evil cruel way to leave one hanging... thanks.

Reviewer: greyangel Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/14/2005 - 03:19 pm Title: Choices

Oh Boy! that was a great chapter...with a mean cliffhanger...can't wait for more....

Reviewer: Laura Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/14/2005 - 07:13 am Title: Choices

I'm really enjoying your story

Reviewer: Mental Mirage Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/14/2005 - 05:08 am Title: Choices

Great chapter so worth the wait!!!!! I really like your work you are fun to follow and check on for updates 4 stars!

Reviewer: Whitelighter354 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/14/2005 - 01:49 am Title: Choices

I love this chapter! I hope Spike gets more nicer! And I hope they get along better later!!! Please update soon!!! :) Dell

Reviewer: Niamh Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/14/2005 - 01:47 am Title: Choices

gah! yer killin me . . . love this story. . . I check for updates all the time. This is so dark and lovely. . keep up the really good work. . I can't wait to see what her reaction is.

Reviewer: time Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/14/2005 - 01:17 am Title: Choices

Incredible story..

Reviewer: Angie Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/14/2005 - 01:15 am Title: Choices

Great Chapter!!

Reviewer: jennybean Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/14/2005 - 12:55 am Title: Choices

GAHHH! You can't leave it there. I'm on the edge of my seat. This chapter was fantastic. I loved the dream sequence that led into the reality. Great chapter all around - can't wait for the next one.

Reviewer: jenny Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/14/2005 - 12:33 am Title: Choices

i cant wait for the next chapter. im so excited. this story is awesome. please please please update again soon. please.

Reviewer: phantomwriter Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/14/2005 - 12:07 am Title: Walls

I hate freaky coincidences. This chapter was posted roughly around the time one of my friends OD'd on methodone and died in his sleep. Eerie. Anyway, great chap...

Reviewer: Franchesca Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/13/2005 - 11:45 pm Title: Choices

Next chapter PLEASE!

Reviewer: Chelsea Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/13/2005 - 11:02 pm Title: Choices

Very interesting story and I'm enjoying it immensely. Great job!

Reviewer: spufette Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/13/2005 - 10:51 pm Title: Choices

Mmmmm, but I mean that in a seriously screwed up way! LOL These two are really fu**ed up, eh? Love it! spuf

Reviewer: BuffyandSpikeForever Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/13/2005 - 10:48 pm Title: Choices

wow what a cliffhanger....please update again really soon

Reviewer: Megan Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/13/2005 - 10:33 pm Title: Choices

Excellent chapter, and you've portrayed Spike perfectly as he would have been back then. It's easy to forget what he was, to forget that he was a monster because so much time we saw him wanting to be a man. Thank you for bringing that chilling reality back to us. As usual, I wait with bated breath for the next installment.

Reviewer: bloodshedbaby Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/13/2005 - 10:09 pm Title: Choices

ACK! *glares* You just end it at the good part? You're going to make me beg for a quick update, aren't you? Something I try not to do because I know how annoying it can be when you just put a chapter out. But pleeeeeeeeeeze! *begs*

Reviewer: UncagedMuse/Rae Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/13/2005 - 09:27 pm Title: Choices

How can you leave me there? Still completely wrapped up in this fic. Begging for more as soon as you can.

Reviewer: Cordykitten Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/11/2005 - 07:41 am Title: Clarity

I just skipped this story, the previous chapters. It has to many of it for me to really catch up with it. But I like what I read so far! I'll try and read the next updates here. When I'll do, I'll give you a review :)

Reviewer: Eden Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/09/2005 - 04:23 pm Title: Clarity

I am really enjoying this story. I find myself checking for this story specifically every time I log on. Great work. Keep it up.

Reviewer: greyangel Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/09/2005 - 02:33 pm Title: Clarity

really loving this story, it's just the way i llove um...dark and angsty...great stuff, can't wait for more...

Reviewer: NEO Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/07/2005 - 08:48 pm Title: Clarity

Yay! so gald to see updates, cant wait for more!!

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