Date: 09/06/2021 - 12:05 am Title: YKYWT Part 4
The story is great but PLEASE move the next button further form the review Its impossible to change chapters
Date: 02/13/2015 - 06:24 am Title: You Know You Want To
bravo, super nice blog, is a beautiful source of information, good luck to you and thank you again for this nice sharing
voyance par mail gratuite

Date: 10/10/2013 - 04:20 am Title: YKYWT Part6/6
You are a bad influence on me, Author! I'm neglecting my exercise, my housework & (at least according to him) my cat!

Date: 10/09/2013 - 01:08 pm Title: YKYWT Part 4
Oh, how I envy our "naughty" Slayer! You write superbly with no odd grammer to distract from the story!

Date: 10/09/2013 - 05:57 am Title: YKYWT Part 3
Oh my goodness! Very exciting, But I wonder if anyone COULD actually wait that long to cum?

Date: 10/08/2013 - 10:45 am Title: YKYWT Part 2
Love it; nearly as much as Buffy Summers does! But, touching the toes-not being a slayer (nor young!) I'd probably fall right over!

Date: 10/07/2013 - 01:06 pm Title: You Know You Want To
Loved chapter one! Can't wait for chapter two.
Date: 08/26/2012 - 10:15 pm Title: YKYWT Part6/6
Spike could be my master anytime.

Date: 08/26/2012 - 10:11 pm Title: YKYWT Part6/6
very hot and delish!!! >:-)
Date: 09/23/2010 - 12:26 pm Title: You Know You Want To
Hi! My name is Gloria and I'm Italian.
I love Spuffy and I like your story very much: it's really hot! :D
Can I translate this fanfiction?

Date: 03/06/2010 - 05:07 pm Title: You Know You Want To
This is sooooo good :)

Date: 07/28/2009 - 07:37 pm Title: You Know You Want To
I decided to read this after it was rec'd on LJ in a responst to a BDSM fic I wrote. I like the smut so far, cant wait to read more. :)

Date: 05/20/2009 - 10:19 pm Title: YKYWT Part6/6
"Sometimes Buffy wondered about Spike's sanity.."
Wot? SOMEtimes? She should always wonder about his sanity being as he's willingly living in/under a crypt!!
Good move, having Buffy get ticked off thinking about on whom else Spike may have used his discipline.
I thoroughly enjoyed every syllable of this adventure & look forward to more - regardless of which of our little blonde demons has the whip-hand!
Please excuse me while I go change my clothes.
Author's Response: Lol!!! Thanks so much for all of your reviews - been so long since I wrote this I forget it can still be new to people. You may actually have inspired me to force some time into my schedule to really get writing again!!! Glad you enjoyed and that you reviewed often people read this kind of stuff and don't review (trust me I see the 'read' stats. So THANX!!!

Date: 05/20/2009 - 07:27 pm Title: YKYWT Part 3
No more reviews from me untilthe end. I'm not all patient & strong-willed like Buffy. I can't wait!!!

Date: 05/20/2009 - 07:03 pm Title: You Know You Want To
Oh, what a riot! I can't wait to see what Mr. "I-have-over-100-years-of sex-experience" does next!

Date: 01/04/2009 - 09:35 pm Title: YKYWT Part6/6
very hot! some great insight into some of their power issues too.

Date: 09/14/2007 - 08:11 pm Title: YKYWT Part6/6
Author's Response: Thanks!!Thanks!!!Thanks!!! Thanks!!Thanks!!!Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;-) Glad you enjoyed it!

Date: 06/19/2005 - 10:36 pm Title: You Know You Want To
Mmmmmmmmmmmmm, this is sooooooo good! I've just started it, and cannot wait to see what Spike has in store for the next 24 hours!
As a side note I just wanted to mention how curious it is to me that you have over 1200 hits on your story and only a handful of reviews (at least on this chapter). Makes me wonder how many people out there really enjoy this but don't want to admit it, lol.
Author's Response: Hey, you probably won't read this seeing as his is an old story and it's taken me this long to respond but just wanted to say thanks for the review. Also in answer to your observation - I've come to the conclusion (from writing kinky and non-kinky sotries) that the kinky ones get read plenty but folk just aren't comfortable reviewing - scared they'll get tarred with the kinky brush maybe?? hehe - I've given up caring about it -I write what I like and I have loyal reviewers to this kind of stuff, if folk aren't comfortable admiting they like this well that's up to them!
Thanx again for the review hope you enjoyed the rest of the stories.

Date: 09/08/2004 - 11:22 pm Title: You Know You Want To
I have read all of your stories and all I can say is WOW. You blow me away.

Date: 10/20/2003 - 08:59 pm Title: YKYWT Part6/6
Really liked your story......I think you should continue. Can't get enough Spuffy action!

Date: 08/16/2003 - 11:00 pm Title: You Know You Want To
Thanx 4 the feedback u guys. Glad u enjoyed it. I am starting a sequel to YKYWT so keep an eye out in the next week or so if u want more kinky stuff. Sarah x

Date: 08/08/2003 - 11:00 pm Title: You Know You Want To
Please sir, may I have another...chapter:) This is awesome, oh man you are good:) More please...now:) Pari

Date: 08/08/2003 - 11:00 pm Title: You Know You Want To
oh.my.god. HOT