Penname: nmcil [Contact] Real name:
Member Since: 11/02/2007
Membership status: Member
still a huge Buffyverse fan and have been reading at this site for a long time -

owner of The Whedon World Gallery art site features original art and digital studies plus small amount of fic and poetry -
Web Site: Buffytube
Yahoo IM: nmcil
Beta-reader: No
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Stories [0] Series [0] Reviews [245] Favorite Series [2] Favorites [120]
Favorite Authors
1. Addie Logan
2. All4Spike
3. Ameeya
4. annapurna_2
5. Ashlee
6. Behind Blue Eyes
7. Blackoberst
8. Bloodshedbaby
9. BuffyXenaDQFan
10. Cass
11. Celeste_Avonne
12. dampersandspoons
13. Dark Eyed Seer
14. Dark Heart
15. Darkrivertempest
great Spike characterization - especially like the spike/chip novella.
16. DreamsofSpike
17. dreamweaver
18. feliciacraft
19. Fetching Mad Scientist
20. Gillypod
21. GoldenUsagi
22. haleycc
23. HollyDB
24. hulettwyo
25. Ink
excellent writer