Stories Available as ePub eBooks
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Babies Daddy by Kimber Rated: NC-17 [Reviews - 243]
Summary: Spike Bledsoe finds himself between the rock and the hard place. To save his son he must choose between the love of his life and the child he needs to protect. Will his plans succeed, or fall to dust.
Categories: NC-17 Fics
Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Child Abuse
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: 04/21/2005
Baby Did A Bad Thing by MrsMuir Rated: NC-17 Liked [Reviews - 10]
Summary: Spike leaves after Tabula Rasa. Unable to cope without Spike, Buffy's life spirals out of control until she believes she belongs in the darkness. Only after Spike returns is Buffy forced to face not only herself but the life she's created.
Categories: General NC-17 Fics
Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Buffy/Other, Spike/Other
Completed: No
[Report This] Added: 08/20/2008
Baby Likes to Roleplay by NautiBitz Rated: AO-AdultsOnly Liked [Reviews - 33]
Summary: A fun, sexy (and hopefully unique!) spin on the S2 'Halloween' episode, and what Spike might have done had Buffy not come to her senses in time... (Title obviously gives the twist away. This is a totally consensual scene, but please read the A/N warnings first.)

**Works as a standalone oneshot** OR as a supplement to my Bunnyverse series. (You do not have to read that series to know what's going on here!)
Categories: Porn w/o Plot fics
Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Freaky/Kinky
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: 04/19/2009
Summary: Spike and Buffy stuck together for Christmas… (Can anyone say warm, fuzzy holiday fluff?)
Categories: General Fics
Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Sexual Situations
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: 12/05/2004
Summary: Buffy asks Spike to teach her to drive.
Categories: Porn w/o Plot fics
Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: 04/30/2004
Summary: Spike has promised to teach Buffy to drive. How likely is that to work out well? You might be surprised. Pretty fluffy season VI fic.
Categories: General Fics
Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Sexual Situations
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: 11/16/2007
Back and Forth by NautiBitz Rated: NC-17 Liked [Reviews - 4]
Summary: Feeling sexy after 'First Date', Buffy shows herself some love, forgetting that her live-in ex has bionic hearing. Warning: she thinks about Wood, but not for long. (Originally published in 2003. Winner of "Best Short Story" @ the Spuffy Awards & Stay Beautiful Awards, "Best Smut" @ Bedtime Story Awards, and more.)
Categories: Porn w/o Plot fics
Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: 10/31/2007
Summary: Set early season 5-ish.
Recently Buffy has enlisted Spike for help in finding Xander, who was missing.
They ended up looking for him in a movie theatre that showed porn (Spike’s idea of course). Buffy was surprised and turned on and Spike took a little advantage with his fingers. Buffy came, said not to mention it to anyone, and went. Xander turned up okay but now Buffy is left with a new, shining obsession.
Categories: General NC-17 Fics
Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Sexual Situations
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: 12/17/2008
Summary: Post 'Chosen'. Buffy is trying to get on
with her life, missing Spike badly. Then
she gets a phone call from Los Angeles.
Categories: General NC-17 Fics
Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: 05/08/2004
Backdoor Buffys by CallMeKitten Rated: AO-AdultsOnly Liked [Reviews - 24]
Buffy gets exposed to a magical goo,
That somehow makes Buffy X 2!
Out the backdoor to Spike's they flew,
A game of dares is what they all do!

Happy Birthday to YOU,

Categories: Porn w/o Plot fics
Characters: None
Genres: Parody
Warnings: Sexual Situations, Freaky/Kinky
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: 08/19/2009
Bad Habits by PaganBaby Rated: NC-17 Liked [Reviews - 19]
Summary: AU. Buffy is a nun, due to take her final vows in a matter of months. After she meets Spike at a party, her entire world is turned upside down.
Categories: NC-17 Fics
Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Freaky/Kinky
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: 07/30/2003
Bad Influences by Blood Faerie Rated: NC-17 Liked [Reviews - 39]
Summary: In response to Bloodshedverse Challenge #96. Buffy takes Dawn and runs cross the country in a last ditch effort to keep her as it becomes apparent she is about to lose her. She tries to make a new life there for them, a better life, as the Scoobies try to get her back and even ask an old friend for help.
Categories: General NC-17 Fics
Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Parody
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Completed: No
[Report This] Added: 06/08/2005
Bad Medicine by Addie Logan Rated: NC-17 Liked [Reviews - 113]
Summary: Buffy's sick, and only Spike has the cure. But is she in for more than she bargained for? (Season 4, slight AU)
Categories: General NC-17 Fics
Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: 08/26/2004
Bad Medicine by darklingdawns Rated: AO-AdultsOnly Liked [Reviews - 15]
Summary: Buffy has a headache, and Spike has the cure
Categories: General NC-17 Fics
Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: 01/24/2009
Bad, Bad Dream! by Bluebell Rated: NC-17 Liked [Reviews - 5]
Summary: My, what does go on late at night behind crypt doors...
Categories: General NC-17 Fics
Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Sexual Situations
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: 09/16/2006
Ball & Chain by PaganBaby Rated: NC-17 Liked [Reviews - 23]
Summary: Sequel to 'Coming Clean'. Buffy and Spike take the plunge.
Categories: NC-17 Fics
Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: 08/30/2003
Summary: Just when you think the worst is behind you, there's a formal event.
Categories: General Fics
Characters: None
Genres: Action, Horror, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Violence
Completed: No
[Report This] Added: 06/26/2008
Bandaid Love by Rated: NC-17 [Reviews - 10]
Summary: Set post Smashed. Buffy realizes what she is doing with Spike, him being soulless and all, so she ends things, begrudgingly ofcourse. Spike, after finally having a taste of her, wants more. What does he do? Why does Buffy continue to stay away? Why, why, why? Well read and find out, guaranteed poetic romance. ;)
Categories: General Fics
Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Completed: No
[Report This] Added: 01/27/2005
Barbie Girl. by Rated: 15 [Reviews - 31]
Summary: NEW SUMMARY: Buffy's whole life was turned upside-down when she was 14, that’s when something terrible happened to her family. Her mother is in denial of everything, and Buffy feels like she can't handle life anymore. That's when Spike shows up. The story’s title comes from the song, ‘Barbie Girl’ by Aqua.
Categories: General Fics
Characters: None
Genres: Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Completed: No
[Report This] Added: 04/11/2005
Be Ashamed to Die by Tamen Rated: NC-17 Liked [Reviews - 23]
Summary: A brilliant young author is taken off his lifelong path of self-destruction and sent to the rehabilitation center Sunnydale Oaks.
Categories: NC-17 Fics
Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Child Abuse, Buffy/Other, Spike/Other
Completed: No
[Report This] Added: 07/05/2006
Summary: A girl who's broken and lost. A man who's never given a chance to anyone. She's distant. He's edgy and closed off. A sweet lil country town with two scared individuals not willing to admit that they're afraid of anything. And of course it's Spike and Buffy, who else! Find out what happens when they accidentally become everyday occurrences for each other.
Categories: NC-17 Fics, NC-17 Fics
Characters: None
Genres: Angst, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Violence
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: 09/07/2012
Beautiful Disaster by Bozakka Rated: NC-17 Liked [Reviews - 82]
Summary: Buffy Summers goes to Sunnydale High, along with her brother Angel and his best friend Spike. What happens when Spike finally realizes his true feelings for Buffy and ends up seeing her in a new light? Knowing there's no way he can be with her, he ignores his feelings and goes on with his life, and eventually, Buffy can't wait for him to change his mind and moves on. Can Spike make it through his last year of high school with Buffy, or will temptation get the best of him?
Categories: Fantasy/AU
Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Completed: No
[Report This] Added: 01/21/2006
Runner Up at the Cradle Of Humanity Awards Round 3 for Best WIP........................

Buffy and Spike have been best friends for as long as they both can remember. After one passion filled night together Buffy and Spike find themselves in uncharted waters. Cheating partners, a bottle of Jack Daniels, tight shirts, jeans and entangled limbs. Was the night all one big mistake? Will Spike realise Buffy’s true feelings before he looses her forever? or will it all just be to little to late?

You can also find that trailer i made for the fic here:
Categories: NC-17 Fics
Characters: None
Genres: Angst, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Buffy/Other, Character Death, Sexual Situations, Spike/Other
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: 03/02/2009
Summary: Season Six, Post Entropy...After Spike's encounter with Anya in the Magic Box, Buffy's not sure if she can forgive him for the hurt that she feels -- until he shows up at her door, needing her more than he ever has before...where do a Slayer with iron walls around her thrice-broken heart, and a wounded, desperate vampire go from here? Who's really to blame -- for what's happened to Spike, and for what's happened between them? And somewhere, in the midst of it all -- can the two of them find forgiveness, and the love that they both need so desperately?
Categories: General Fics
Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Action, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Sexual Situations
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: 11/14/2006
Because of You by TammyAsh666 Rated: NC-17 Liked [Reviews - 6]
Summary: Buffy and Spike have been best friends since high school, but he's always harbored a secret love for her. When she falls into an abusive relationship, he's determined to do whatever he can to get her out of it. Even if that means finally telling her the truth about his feelings, no matter the consequences.
Categories: Ficlets/Drabbles
Characters: None
Genres: Angst, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: 07/02/2012