Reviews For Not My Reality
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Reviewer: TammyH Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/22/2009 - 04:05 pm Title: Chapter Five

You even have Andrew in the story! And Darla and so many more. I like it. And now Buffy is starting to notice Spike. I don't blame her. :)

Author's Response: I'm glad you are enjoying the ensemble. It's fun trying to fit some of them in and challenging because I want to keep their canon characteristics, somewhat.

Reviewer: TammyH Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/22/2009 - 03:55 pm Title: Chapter Four

I like how you have some of the other girls from btvs in here. Faith is a crack up. "Muffy" LOL!

Author's Response: :) Thank you. I'm so glad you are enjoying the story.

Reviewer: TammyH Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/22/2009 - 03:45 pm Title: Chapter Three

Loved the last line. And the phone call with Dawn was cute. I'm loving this story.

Author's Response: Thank you. :)

Reviewer: TammyH Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/22/2009 - 03:37 pm Title: Chapter Two

I loved how you had Willow dragging her around. And the elevator scene was just great.

Author's Response: Thank you. I'm so glad you liked it.

Reviewer: TammyH Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/22/2009 - 03:29 pm Title: Chapter One

Okay, you've got me hooked with just the first chapter here. Not a story I would usually read, but the summary caught my interest and now I curious to see what happens next.

Author's Response: I'm so glad you decided to take a chance and read a type of story you normally don't and that you are hooked. Thank you.

Reviewer: AMI Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/22/2009 - 02:46 pm Title: Chapter Five

Oh I'm loving this more and more. Spike is falling hard, he's even jealous about the plunging neckline on her And Buffy is so noticing Spike now... but Buffy you can't make yourself fall for Angel.It either happens or it doesn't.

Now you've got me so curious about Chapter 6 ;)

Author's Response: I'm thrilled that you like the story more as we go along. Not long to wait until the next update. *hugs*

Reviewer: cordykitten Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/22/2009 - 01:42 pm Title: Chapter Five

You make my day and make it impossible for me to stop writing fan fiction. :) Good to hear that.
Ah at last Buffy noticed Spike('s looks/vistas). LOL @ Carlos.
After your cryptic remark I'm looking even more forward to chapter six. :)
Enjoyed to read this one.

Author's Response: :) Glad you liked the Carlos moment. Thank you.

Reviewer: Pam S Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/22/2009 - 01:13 pm Title: Chapter Four

Spike is falling for Buffy already.

And Angel.. in love with himself.. and Buffy sounds like the girl he will like... in "like" with him also..

Wake up Buffy..

Enjoying ..

Author's Response: Thank you. I'm so glad you are enjoying it. :)

Reviewer: pixiecorn Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/22/2009 - 11:08 am Title: Chapter Five

ooooooooo i really hope something happens between spike and buffy soon.... im loving it:)

Author's Response: Thank you. The pace picks up, now that introductions are out of the way. :)

Reviewer: Brett Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/22/2009 - 07:15 am Title: Chapter Five

OMG Buffy is totally making camera love to Spike. Not supposed to fall in love with the camera hottie...yet you will anyway Buffy :P

Author's Response: Yep. He's just too hot to resist!

Reviewer: DeDe Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/22/2009 - 04:13 am Title: Chapter Four

I am usually a completed story fan, but I have been following some recently addeds and yours is definitely one of them. Am enjoying your portrayal of Spikes disdain for the whole scene, and the naivety of Buffy. Love to read more!

Author's Response: Thank you very much! I prefer to read completed stories as well, so I understand where you are coming from and take it as high compliment that you are reading my WIP. I'm thrilled that you are and I hope you enjoy the rest of the story. :)

Reviewer: Jaden Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/21/2009 - 08:20 pm Title: Chapter Four

This is fun! I'm really enjoying myself. Well written but doesn't take itself too seriously. You leave room to get deeper later and that's just makes me all sorts of curious. Keep up the awesomeness!

Author's Response: Thank you. I'm so glad you find the story for all it's layers. And I'm happy to have you reading the story.

Reviewer: Dorians Kitten Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/21/2009 - 01:14 am Title: Chapter Four

Yay! I knew Spike had to be entranced upon first sight!!!

Author's Response: :) Yes. Thanks for reading.

Reviewer: Brunettepet Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/20/2009 - 10:44 pm Title: Chapter Four

Spike brushing Harmony off was funny, and I'm enjoying the guest stars from the buffyverse. Faith is already a hoot. Spike's going to dislike Angel more and more as his attraction to Buffy grows. I can't wait!

Author's Response: Thank you. I'm so glad you are reading! I always felt bad canon Harmony, but she brought a lot of it on herself. :)

Reviewer: Brunettepet Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/20/2009 - 10:36 pm Title: Chapter Three

Dawn being completely self absorbed was hilarious. I loved this"...but please, whatever you do, stay long enough in the game to get that home visit, ‘cause I wanna be on TV."

Not ever having watched one of these shows, you're doing an excellent job pulling me into the action. Buffy's already standing out among the other eager contestants.

Author's Response: Thank you so much. I'm glad you liked my version of Dawn. :) And it's great that you can enjoy the story without having seen the TV show! *hugs*

Reviewer: hankbug Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/20/2009 - 04:10 pm Title: Chapter Four

Love, Love, Love it. More, more, more!!!!

Author's Response: Thank you so much! More soon.

Reviewer: Amanda Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/20/2009 - 01:33 pm Title: Chapter Four

you are writing chappie 12?!?!? but only have 4 posted.. feed my adiciton PUHLEASE

Author's Response: LOL! I'm so glad you are addicted to the story. The reason I have so much written is because I got addicted to the story too. I wrote the first three chapters in one night! I promise to post each chapter as soon as they are seen by my betas and returned. I want to turn out good product so my betas are a must!

Reviewer: sask Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/20/2009 - 03:48 am Title: Chapter Four

i'm hooked...keep it coming!

Author's Response: :) Thank you. More on the way!

Reviewer: scaryscouse Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/20/2009 - 01:14 am Title: Chapter Four

Liking this story, although not really familiar with the concept, we don't have it on UK TV, but guessing there is some kind of elimination, daily or weekly. Do the girls live together in a house until they are eliminated? or do they get to go home?

Author's Response: I'm glad you like it even though you've never seen this show. In the next few chapters coming up, I sort of layout the way the show works. I didn't want to put an info dump anywhere, so I've tried to spread out the details. They do stay in the Bachelor House. Each episode covers a week. The first epi, covered just the first night and the most girls are eliminated. It goes from 25 to 15. Only the girls that the Bachelor choose to give a rose out to can stay. There are a set limit of roses he can give out each week. Once he gets down to a smaller number of girls, he'll go and meet their families.

Reviewer: PhotographyNut Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/20/2009 - 12:49 am Title: Chapter Four

Love how you're writing Buffy. Can't wait for the next update!

Author's Response: Thank you :) She was the one I was worried about getting some bit of her real character into this story. I think I do better with her as the story moves along, but I think I got the blind adoration of Angel down? LOL!

Reviewer: gilby2388 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/20/2009 - 12:41 am Title: Chapter Four

Haha, trust Faith to be the one to show up to the first night in pants. Gotta love her. And Harmony's going to be the one girl on the show that keeps causing trouble and is a total brat but for some reason manages to stay on the show FOREVER, isn't she? Joy..........

Can I also say that you are officially my FAVORITE person for having so many chapters of this story done already? I am looking forward to a lot of Spike/ Buffy interaction in my future!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS That's funny that Naomi's family lives near you. Her mom was quite a character. Molly is actually from my hometown.

Author's Response: I'm glad you liked my Faith. I won't spoil it for you and tell you how long Harmony lasts. I'm really big on making sure I complete my stories, having been a reader long before I started writing. It's so disheartening to start a story and then be left hanging when the author can't finish for some reason. So, I make sure to have a lot of my story finished in rough draft and a clear idea of the end before I start posting. I'm proud to say, I've finished every story I've started. How funny that we each had a bachelorette in our hometowns who made if for enough for a home visit. I was rooting for the Canadian girl and was sad to see her go. I'm not too sure the other two are that serious about it. The cheerleader could be Charisma Carpender's younger sister. She's nice like Charisma, a cheerleader and they look a like.

Reviewer: CallMeKitten Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/20/2009 - 12:30 am Title: Chapter Four

*giggles* am loving this story line! Need more!

Author's Response: LOL! Thank you. More coming soon.

Reviewer: cordykitten Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/19/2009 - 10:47 pm Title: Chapter Four

Good to hear that you're so far ahead :)
With Spike concentrating his camera on Buffy she'll be in the center of attention.
~ Enjoyed the new chapter :)

Author's Response: Thank you very much. Yes, there will be a lot of Buffy shots coming editing time.

Reviewer: my_perfect_muse Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/19/2009 - 10:12 pm Title: Chapter Four

I can't believe I missed three updates of this story... but I'm glad I did cuz I got to catch up on three whole chapters. All great and I'm really enjoying the story. Never was a huge fan of the show, but this story is certainly becoming a guilty pleasure. I'm really hoping that Buffy will look beyond Angel and see Spike

Author's Response: I'm so glad you are enjoying the story. LOL! I was never into reality shows, but got hooked on some the Bravo channel ones. Project Runway being the one I couldn't miss. Three Bachelors ago, I somehow got sucked into watching the show. Can't watch the bachelorette ones though. Boring.

Reviewer: AMI Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/19/2009 - 09:00 pm Title: Chapter Four

Good chappie. Buffy seems too normal for this show, and she really seems to like Angel alot. Hopefully that'll change soon when she really gets to know Spike. Angel seems to be a bit self centered and phony, but then again I don't like him so... Spike seems to like her already.

YAY that you have so many chapters done, that means regular updates for us! Thanx. :)

Author's Response: Thank you. I'm trying really hard not to character bash, but I'm sure as you read the chapters, you'll get an idea which characters I liked best on the show. Spike being at the top of the list.

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