Penname: Katie Thropp [Contact] Real name: Katie
Member Since: 12/29/2008
Membership status: Member
I adore spuffy and have been reading for a while, but I kept on forgetting to reveiw. aato all those authors whose stories I've read and not reveiwed, I'm really sorry. I plan on changing that.

Also, many thanks to xoChantelly, who, in addition to puting up with my late-night ramblings, encouraged me and my plot bunnies endlessly, made me an *amazing* banner. *Smooches*.
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Favorite Authors
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5. dreamweaver
6. Enchantress
7. henrietta_holden
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9. Im_bloody_English
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12. NautiBitz
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14. pattyanne
15. Pet
16. Peta
17. Schehrezade
18. Sotia
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21. Unbridled Brunette
22. vamptasticA
23. xoChantelly
24. yutamiyu
25. Zarrah